Online Auction Services
Howdy folks! We've been working on this idea for awhile now and are finally getting preparations made to be able to host online auctions! The plan is to use the integrated auction service Auction Flex combined with the auction platform HiBid. If you have never checked out these websites I highly recommend browsing them and maybe registering to be a bidder if you are so inclined. We are working on setting up our personalized auction page, but with the ongoing COVID-19 situation, progress isn't a quick as it could be. Once we do have everything finalized and are ready to hold our first online auction we will changing this page to info on dates and times, how the auction works, terms and conditions, and other miscellaneous details. We will also be sending multiple emails and posting on all the major social media sites so subscribe to our newsletter and follow us so you don't miss some great deals! Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a great week!
- The Alabama Furniture Team